Forever Home Friday!
It's Forever Home Friday!

Remember Lil Bit, the tiny senior chihuahua we posted about last month? She was adopted by a wonderful family who sent us an update this week. From Lil Bit's new mom:
I took Lil Bit, who I have renamed Minnie, and my baby Squeaker to see Santa. She is doing great. I'm totally in love with her. Thank you for letting us adopt her. She is absolutely precious, in my lap right now, she does not let me get far from her. She sleeps in bed under the covers, lol. She will NEVER be put out again.
How cute is their picture with Santa?! We are so happy that Lil Bit found such a wonderful home, and that we were able to help make that happen. It really takes someone special to adopt an 8 year old dog from a shelter. It's fitting that Lil Bit was adopted in November, which is Adopt a Senior Pet month. Adult dogs and especially seniors can be very hard to find a home for, because a lot of people want a puppy. There are so many advantages to adopting an adult dog, though. Check out our Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior list.

Did you adopt your fur child from the Little Rock Animal Village? Tell us about them! Send us a Facebook message or an e-mail and we might use your adoption story on our blog or on social media.