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LRAV Adoptions Are Going Digital!

The Little Rock Animal Village will now be accepting adoption applications online and doing curbside pet pickup while they are closed as part of the city's efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus!

The following protocols for online adoptions will be followed:

• Applications will be approved in order of receipt. Adopter will be first person with an approved application submitted online. Time stamp from the receiving e-mail (applications submitted online generate a notification email to you and LRAV staff) will determine the first application received.

Link to fill out application online and submit electronically

• Once an application is received, an interview will take place over the phone. • If it is determined the application is valid, a photo identification or driver’s license must be emailed. The identification must have the current address of the applicant. • After confirmation, payment by debit or credit card will be taken by phone. The adoption fee is $90 unless otherwise stated. • The adoption paperwork will be emailed to the adopter where it is to be electronically signed and sent back. • A date for pickup will be given, the adopter must be able to pick up the animal at the Animal Village on date vetting is completed. The animal will not be shipped or transported. • The animal will be spayed/neutered, microchipped, and vetted before it goes home. • After vetting the adopter will receive by email the vet records along with any medical instructions such as when to give wormer or how to care for spay/neuter incision. • The adopter will come to the Little Rock Animal Village (4500 Kramer St., Little Rock, AR 72204) on the date given between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. for pickup and call to let staff know they have arrived. The animal along with necessary medications will be delivered outside the vehicle of the owner. • Any further questions about the adoption or animal will be answered by email.

This is not an ideal adoption process. We know that. But it will save lives. In the three days that LRAV has been closed and the only intake has been via Animal Services Officers responding to high priority calls, they've taken in 50 dogs. They are full. Beyond full. Nothing is ideal about the world we are living in right now as we struggle together to combat the spread of Coronavirus. They are doing the best they can in a tough situation. If you can help, please contact us.

Sweet Casey shown below has the distinction of being the first dog to be adopted virtually from the Little Rock Animal Village! Check out her mom's interview with THV here:

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